Quick-Implementation Process to Keep Your Fleet in the Fast Lane

Where to turn when you need the right dedicated solution right away

One of the world’s largest online retailers needed to improve an existing over-the-road solution for two of its pool points. The company needed onsite drivers and operational support to serve the needs of the business in full. In addition, the company’s current provider would not use the proprietary fleet and driver management tools that could deliver pickup and delivery updates in real time.

Paper Transport’s implementation process delivers solid results

Paper Transport (PTI) stood up a 7-truck fleet across two locations in 21 days

Fleet operations started two weeks ahead of schedule

100% use of transportation management software and handheld devices

96% of all vendor pickups made on time, all inside a 30-minute window

The Challenge was getting the fleet up and running quickly

The business was on the move, and the performance of these two pool points was affecting network efficiency. There was no time to waste. Although the retailer recognized the need to make a change in providers, the company didn’t want to lose ground or risk a deterioration in customer service as it was going into one of its peak seasons. Adding to the challenges was the reaction of the current provider, choosing to end the relationship early after being informed the contract would not be renewed.

The timing of the implementation was critical, and PTI was tasked with standing up a six-truck solution at one site and an additional truck running from the second. The entire fleet needed to be staffed with drivers, support and on-site operational support to coordinate with the retailer’s transportation team. New personnel also needed to be trained on the company’s proprietary transportation management tools to deliver real-time visibility of pickup and delivery status for every load.

The solution was a 7-step, quick-implementation process that kept the fleet in the fast lane

Once the decision to move with PTI was made, getting the fleet up and running was the priority. PTI’s team came in and immediately started working with the retailer’s team to set clear goals and define key variables. All of this was accomplished with PTI’s proprietary implementation process that brings in all stakeholders and captures a detailed set of requirements, covering all aspects of fleet operations and business integration. This process created a Project Action Log that identified all relevant tasks, task owners and a clear schedule of due dates to ensure nothing slipped through the cracks.

This work led to the team setting up the roles and defining relationships and responsibilities. The planning work was quickly delegated, and a schedule of update meetings was set to keep the team in sync and the work flowing. The team moved from planning to execution in short order, tracking progress, monitoring performance and providing continuous support.

PTI Delivers an Unbeatable Performance


PTI stood up a 7-truck fleet across two locations in 21 days


Fleet operations started two weeks ahead of schedule


100% use of transportation management software and handheld devices


96% of all vendor pickups made on time, all inside a 30-minute window

The result was a top-performing fleet being implemented in less than three weeks

The goal for the retailer was to replace a fleet and improve service, but PTI was driven to deliver so much more. The results were far better than the retailer expected with PTI finishing the implementation ahead of schedule, maximizing efficiency and exceeding on-time pickup goals.

With on-site support, more efficient operations and solid business practices in place, PTI is exceeding operational expectations and improving the daily operations of the business as a whole. The retailer is so pleased with PTI’s performance they have already awarded PTI another fleet opportunity in Florida, with more to come. No matter what size the fleet is, this retailer knows PTI is driven to outperform.

Keep your fleet in the fast lane