Preventing Distracted Driving With Cellcontrol
Improving Fleet Safety By Decreasing Distracted Driving By: Peter Covach, IT Systems Analyst Let’s face it: distraction is a daily norm in this age of instant information. Notifications, beeps, and vibrations are constantly bombarding us while the task at hand – driving – requires our undivided attention. Distracted driving has become an epidemic that puts…

Glen Smith of Florida Achieves 1,000,000 Miles!
Meet Glen Smith from Florida. With a passion for sprint car racing and tinkering with the corvette in his garage, Glen is a total gearhead. It may be this passion that has lead Glen to build a solid professional driving history and experienced leadership record. He was Georgia Pacific’s 2010 Driver of the Year and…

Alex Green of Jacksonville Achieves 1,000,000 Miles!
Meet Alex Green who hails from Jacksonville, Florida and drives with our Southeast Jacksonville division. Alex has an interesting, but not unusual story with Paper Transport, Inc.: After starting with us in late December of 2006, Alex put in his notice nine months later in September 2006. Two years away, he came back to us…

Tire Safety: A Focused Pre/Post-Trip Inspection Effort
Tire Safety: A Focused Pre/Post-Trip Inspection Effort By: Ken Marvenko, PTI Director of Safety Exterminating Road Gators (the treads of failed tires lining the shoulders of highways). As we approach tire-blowout season (May through October), tire safety is a hot topic and CVSA’s focus for this year’s International Roadcheck Inspection Blitz (June 7-9, 2016). International…

Paper Transport Intermodal Expands Canadian Operations
Paper Transport Intermodal Services By: Wes Kornowske, PTI Director of Operations and Logistics Paper Transport Intermodal has finished onboarding with the Canadian Pacific railway enabling us to begin offering more intermodal services out of/into Canada and Minneapolis. This partnership will enhance our existing Canada cross border offering by opening up more of western Canada. Paper…

Why Your Fleet’s MPG Is Still a Hot Topic With Low Fuel Prices
Why Your Fleet’s MPG Is Still a Hot Topic With Low Fuel Prices By: Dan Deppeler, PTI Director of Maintenance & Procurement With fuel prices down, should your approach to purchasing equipment change? Let’s review a few relevant considerations that impact this decision: Fuel is still one of the highest cost items on the Profit…