From July 1st through July 15th, Paper Transport gives back to the community by hosting a book drive where all proceeds will be donated to the Brown County Library. This drive was inspired by National Give Something Away Day, which is on July 15th. Paper Transport employees, families, and community members sought to collect books that kids and adults would enjoy, and with school starting back up in the next two months, we decided to get ahead of the curve.

Paper Transport employees give back their time all year round to those in the community. Check out some of the ways Paper Transport gives back to the communnity.
We Give Back at the NEW Community Shelter
Kennedy Schwartz, an Account Manager, coordinates with a NEW Community Shelter in Green Bay, WI to serve meals.
“We’re told that Paper Transport’s meal is one of the shelter’s favorites. They even tell their friends when they see that Paper is serving to get more people because they love our food. It is such a great feeling knowing the impact we are making.”
Schwartz’s noted that the hardest part is getting volunteers over the hurdle of committing time. “I see it as taking 3 hours each month to give back,” Schwartz explained. “That is only 36 hours a year, but a HUGE impact on the community. The shelter provides dinner to residents and the community 365 days of the year.”

Schwartz reflected that “Giving back means being selfless and giving up some time to help someone, something, your community, etc. When you take the time to give back, you are helping better other people’s lives. The most memorable moments are the thanks and gratitude that we get from the community for our time.”
Their next event is Thursday 7/28.
We Give Back During Covid- 19 Pandemic
We Give Back Our Time – Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America pays tribute in veterans cemeteries nationwide. Their goal is to raise awareness to veterans who have lost their lives for this country and encourage people to remember those who have fallen.
Paper Transport’s drivers have taken it upon themselves to deliver those wreaths to cemeteries across the country. In 2021, 2.4 million wreaths were delivered to veterans. Paper Transport is proud to be a part of those deliveries.

We Give Back to Aid Others – Red Cross
From tornado relief donations to blood drives, the employees of Paper Transport have been very active with the Red Cross organization. Ben Schill shared, “We believe the on-going support of this organization will benefit all of the communities where our employees reside when there is a need.”

With the current blood shortage, Paper Transport is hosting a blood drive at our headquarters Thursday 7/21. To learn more info and sign up here.
Visit our Community Page to learn more about Paper Transport’s community efforts.